Thursday, June 14, 2018

Demolition Kids

We had to move Topher's bedroom wall to make room for the bathroom. 
Kids helped. August really loved it! We have to hide hammers now.

He worked hard!

Grandpa Helps (A LOT)

Larry gave up a lot of his vacation to help Tyler and I work in our basement - we have lights! and outlets! and a lot more walls!
We may actually finish the basement before we move!

Last Day of School

Last day of elementary school for Topher!! Scary that I have an almost teenager!
Last day of 2nd grade for my Miss Madelyn Mae! Who can't wait till she is a teenager.
Last day of Kindergarten for Caroline! 
And August, who has one more year at home with mom! 

Topher received the only "citizenship" award for being kind, good, and hardworking for all of 5th grade. He is a good kid.

Gramma and Grandpa Visit Missouri

Yay! Gramma and Grandpa came to visit! 
They were here for two week! 
One week kids were in school and the other was our first week of summer!

It was so much funny!

And yummy!

And so tiring (in the good way)!