Sunday, March 13, 2016

Bed Time

Bedtime is both my favorite and least favorite parts of the day. 
There is always that one more drink or one more potty break or the weird shadow on the wall that might become a monster at any moment and eat me to deal with. But after the drink, potty and monsters have been dealt with then I get to be an adult. 

We have a pretty stable routine:
The girls go to bed at 7. August at 7:30 and Topher, if he has earned it, 8:00. August usually helps us put the girls to bed while Topher reads.

After the girls are down. August gets to rule the house for 30 minutes.
Favorite games include: On your mark get set go - run as fast as you can around the house. Or walk on mom or dad. A new one was line water bottles up then run into them. And of course he loves to dance to dad playing the guitar.

Eventually, around the 4th mile he has ran around the house he begins to slow down. He has enjoyed our new rug as he winds down!

At this point - we put his jamies on, give kisses and wrap up in blankie! 

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