Friday, March 23, 2018

Cause knowing is half the battle!

Topher gets to stay up till 8 this year. Tyler and Topher took advantage of that hour and "arranged" Tyler's GI Joes.

Tyler's Facebook post:
One of the great simple joys of my childhood was playing with G.I.JOE figures. I still remember the feeling of euphoria when we would go the store and discover a new wave of figures had just been released. I would take my time to carefully arrange all of the new figures and closely examine each one of them, checking out the artwork on the card, comparing how much gear and what accessories they came with, listening to the wise counsel of my father Larry Thompson and older brother Chris Thompson of why Snow Serpent would be a much better figure than Quick-kick, or why I should should stay clear of Big-Boa and opt for a more sensible figure like Falcon. If I was lucky (which I must have usually been judging by all the figures I had) I would go home with a figure, often taking the advice of my brother and dad, but sometimes getting the one I really wanted (cause how many other figures came with a crocodile, sting ray, or wild boar!)
Tonight that magic was captured again as Topher and I went through my more recent collection. He wanted to know about each figure and we had a lot of fun setting them up and posing them and playing with them. They don’t really make toys like that anymore that capture boys imagination. Sorry Christie Thompsonthat we somewhat neglected you tonight, but my son needs to know how much fun G.I.JOEs are, cause knowing is half the battle!

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