1. Grandma threw out some cookies, Maddie rescued them from the garbage.
2. After being denied the cookies, Maddie, with tears in her eyes, pouts on the couch while the floor recovers from the brutal beating it just took.
3. Topher begs for something that he should not have (this time it was the change bucket).
4. We enjoy a not so calm dinner. Topher running around the table to the window after he sees a cat outside to bark at it. Maddie of course joins in on the barking.
5. In the path from tray to mouth food manages to find its way into Maddie's hair, ears, and many other places...
6. Maddie shows off her knowledge by pointing to her body parts (eyes, ears, nose, toes). The nose is great because she gets to make a noise with it, Beep! Beep!
7. Maddie gets stripped to prepare for bath, but during that process she ensures that everyone who comes within five feet will also need a bath/shower.
8. The bath fails to calm my kids down, but rather wakes them to a new level of hyperactivity not seen that day. (Maddie has a big mouth!)
9. My kids plot together on how they can make the next day as interesting for their mother.
And I thought teaching a bunch of sub-human 13 year olds was tough.