Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First Day of School

 After weeks of count downs it is here - the first day of kindergarten for Topher!

Just to back up a little bit - last week, on Friday, Topher met with his teacher. He was so excited!
He wore his second favorite new shirt - it looks like one his dad would wear :)
His excitement wore off on his sisters as well!
This weekend the girls were not feeling well, and yesterday, the day before school, Topher woke up not feeling well at all :(
 Luckily as the day went on he began to feel better. Last night his dad gave him a "back-to-school" blessing. I know he isn't going "back," but that is what we always called it!
Today he woke up feeling great! Excited!
I think Maddie Mae might have been the saddest about Topher leaving. She kept hugging him, even in line to go to class. She ran up a few times to give him a hug goodbye. 

 Topher was so excited to leave - he waited at the door, counting down the minutes until it showed one, two, two, zero - 12:20. The little girls were excited but a little unsure what was going on.
 I dropped Topher off. He was completely okay. Just asked me to wait to leave until he walked into the building. I came home and put the girls to bed. And my house is empty and quiet.
 There is no little boy downstairs for quiet time.
 I'm not sure how I feel...both a little sad and happy.

It is weird - I now have someone else in the family that has a schedule I need to plan around. It feels like I have entered a new part of life and a new aspect of being a parent.
 It is exciting to do something new - I look forward to seeing Topher learn and grow. To see him make friends. But I also feel that I may have entered a more difficult part of parenthood. Until now, Topher was really only exposed to what we wanted him to be. I know now I will be competing with other things.

I can't wait until I talk to him later today and see what he did! 

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